Vinyl wallpaper MOF "Mystery" (art-4287-8)

Artikul: P-0938211 Sotuvda mavjud
265 000 so'm / m
  • To'lov: Naqd, Pul o'tkazish, UzCard terminal

Vinyl wallpaper MOF "Mystery" (art-4287-8)


"Mystery" is a collection of interior wallpaper from the famous Russian brand Moscow Wallpaper Factory (MOF). It includes basic backgrounds and decorative wallpapers with an unusual pattern reminiscent of fallen leaves in a mysterious forest. Soft natural shades and muted pearlescent shine create a peaceful and cozy atmosphere. The collection goes well with interior items made from textiles and natural materials.


The wallpaper is made on a non-woven base with a vinyl coating made by hot stamping. They are resistant to mechanical stress and do not fade over time; they are not afraid of stains, since the vinyl surface can be washed. Thick canvas and relief texture well mask minor defects and unevenness of the walls. Roll size 1.06×10 m.

OBOI MARKET devor qog'ozi do'koni devorlarni bezash uchun keng turdagi materiallarni taklif etadi. Bizning katalogimizda dunyodagi yetakchi ishlab chiqaruvchilarning eng murakkab talabni qondira oladigan fon rasmlari mavjud. Biz mijozlarimizni qadrlaymiz va shuning uchun qulay hamkorlik, tovarlarning benuqson sifati, qulay to'lov tizimi va tezkor yetkazib berishni taklif etamiz.


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Pul o'tkazish

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UzCard terminal

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